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- /* C translation from Pascal source file: FastLoadDemo.p */
- //• main FastLoadDemo;
- /*A demo/test program showing how to load a large number of faces from PICT resources with*/
- /*minimal overhead. There are some parts missing - row start tables to be precise - and you*/
- /*could possibly take the mask regions out. It all depends on your needs. If you plan to use SAT's*/
- /*blitters all the time (i.e. SATRun(true) you can remove the regions.*/
- /*This program will ONLY work in 256 colors or more! In B/W or 4-bit color, there are additional*/
- /*data needed since SAT does certain special optimizing for those depths. I have tested it in 256*/
- /*and thousands of colors, and it will probably run out of memory in millions.*/
- /*This program does no error checking! You will have to add that to use it in a real program!*/
- /*/Ingemar Ragnemalm december 1995*/
- /*Revised may 1996, in order to clean up, add more options, and make FaceLoad a stand-alone*/
- /*reusable module.*/
- /* C version by Ingemar june -96 */
- /* Note: if you make a PPC project out of this, use 68k struct alignment. */
- #include "SAT.h"
- #include "FastLoad.h"
- pascal void Nop(SpritePtr me);
- pascal void Nop(SpritePtr me){}
- void main(void)
- {
- struct Sprite ppsprite;
- SpritePtr sptr;
- FacePtr faces;
- short h, v;
- SATInitToolbox();
- SATInit(128, 128, 400, 300);
- /*Load the faces!*/
- SysBeep(1);
- faces = Load2DFaceArray(129, 130, 100, 32, 32, 10, true, true);
- SysBeep(1);
- /*I use SATNewSpritePP here. That has no connection to the face loading - I could just as well*/
- /*use SATNewSprite as usual! Consider this a little demonstration of SATNewSpritePP thrown in*/
- /*"for free".*/
- sptr = SATNewSpritePP(nil, (char *)&ppsprite, 0, 0, 0, nil);
- ppsprite.task = &Nop;
- ppsprite.face = nil;
- ppsprite.face = SATGetFace(128);
- SATSetPortScreen();
- HideCursor();
- while ( ! Button () )
- {
- /*Set the face of the sprite to one of the 100 sprites in the faces array, depending on mouse position.*/
- GetMouse(&ppsprite.position);
- h = ppsprite.position.h * 10 / gSAT.offSizeH;
- if ( h < 0 )
- h = 0;
- if ( h > 9 )
- h = 9;
- v = ppsprite.position.v * 10 / gSAT.offSizeV;
- if ( v < 0 )
- v = 0;
- if ( v > 9 )
- v = 9;
- ppsprite.face = &faces[h + v * 10];
- SATRun(false);
- };
- ShowCursor ();
- }